Day Of Defeat For Mac

Day of Defeat Source was originally released for PC in 2005 – up until now Mac owners haven’t been able to play it. It joins other Valve games ported over to Mac including Portal, Team. OK so the game is Day of Defeat, or DOD for short. You take the role as an allied or axis solidier during World War 2 and two teams whic is either United States Or United Kindoms Army vs The German.

Day of defeat machine

The classic WWII infantry multiplayer mod for Half-Life, updated with the Half-Life 2 engine and distributed exclusively through Steam. Along with a huge leap in general graphics and sound quality, DoD: Source also uses Half-Life 2's famous physics engine and HDR lighting.The core gameplay is mostly unchanged from the original DoD. It still pits two units of WWII infantry against each other, often at maps depicting sites of historical skirmishes. Players may choose from specialized classes such as scouts, snipers, and heavy support gunners. Teamplay is extremely important; a unit of lone wolves with exceptional individual skill won't stand a chance against a unit of averagely skilled players who really support each other.

The ever-increasing number of Valve games made playable on Mac has been bolstered by another new title – Day of Defeat Source.


Players who already own the PC game can download the Mac version for free via digital game service Steam. Developer Valve has also enabled cross-platform multiplayer which means both PC and Mac gamers can play each other online.

Day of Defeat Source was originally released for PC in 2005 – up until now Mac owners haven’t been able to play it. It joins other Valve games ported over to Mac including Portal, Team Fortress 2, Half-Life 2 and Counter Strike Source.

Day Of Defeat For Mac 7

The title is an online multiplayer FPS set in World War II that uses Half-Life 2’s famous Source game engine. Players can download it via Steam now for 5.99.