Sid Meier's Civilization VI - Maya & Gran Colombia Pack Crack

PC Review - 'Sid Meier's Civilization VI' Maya & Gran Colombia DLC

by Chris 'Atom' DeAngelus on June 10, 2020 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT

Sid Meier's Civilization VI is a turn-based strategy that offers players new ways to interact with their world, expand their empire across the map, advance their culture, and compete against history’s greatest leaders to build a civilization to stand the test of time.

Buy Sid Meier's Civilization VI: New Frontier Pass

Buy Sid Meier's Civilization VI - Maya & Gran Colombia Pack cheaper on Instant Gaming, the place to buy your games at the best price with immediate delivery! Civilization VI Livestream - Maya & Gran Colombia Pack. Sid Meier’s Civilization is playing Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Maya & Gran Colombia Pack تقدم حزمة المحتوى الجديدة هذه حضارة المايا، التي قادتها 'السيدة سيكس سكاي'، وكذلك حضارة كولومبيا الكبرى، بقيادة 'سيمون بوليفار'. Sid Meier's Civilization® VI: Maya & Gran Colombia Pack-11% $7.99 $8.99. Sid Meier’s Civilization, Civilization, Civ, 2K, Firaxis Games.

The Civilization 6: New Frontier pass is a season pass to six smaller gameplay packs that will be released over the course of the next year or so. It's not quite a full expansion as previous Civilization 6 add-ons have been. As of this writing, only the first pack, Maya & Gran Colombia, has been released; it includes a smattering of new content that adds some flavor to the title without redefining the gameplay.

The first addition is two new civilizations: Mayans with the leader Lady Six Sky and Gran Colombia with the leader Simon Bolivar. Both of these civilizations are extremely strong, but it heavily depends on your play style. Of the two, Gran Colombia feels easier to use. Their basic bonus ability is +1 movement to all units, which is a significant game changer, especially early on. At times, it can even be overpowered. They also can promote units without needing to end the unit's turn, which allows for some interesting strategies. Their units are strong, but given the additional movement ability, they can be absolute terrors on the battlefield.

The second organization, the Mayans, is more complex. The civilization is built heavily around their attributes, and Lady Six Sky provides a strong boost in an aura around the Mayan capital. Units are stronger, and yields are produced so there's a heavy focus on making your capital an absolute terror. On the other hand, yields are reduced when you're away from the capital, so you must focus on smaller areas. Mayans also don't get a housing benefit from settling near rivers, but they gain a general boost to Amenity and Farms. The Mayans feel heavily geared toward the new Apocalypse mode, which makes sense.

In Apocalypse mode, the game basically sets all of its disasters to turbo speed. Rather than being an occasional occurrence, they are something that you have to specifically build around and consider. That's because there is a new Soothsayer unit who can cause disasters. You can even sacrifice friendly units to an active volcano to appease the gods and earn bonuses for your civilization. This is important because you're effectively on a time limit. Once enough time has passed, you'll start being hit by solar flares and comets from space, and at that point, it's victory or doomsday.

Apocalypse mode is interesting, but it doesn't feel quite as appealing as the main mode. It ends up being an interesting gimmick rather than something quite as addictive as the regular gameplay. The constant disasters and focus on causing even more disasters feel depressing compared to the long-term building that is part and parcel part of the Civilization experience. It's a neat mode to try out a few times, but it isn't going to redefine how you play the game. With that said, the touch of mysticism is a neat nuance because it can be fun to call down the wrath of the gods upon your enemies.

At this point, it's difficult to say if The New Frontier pass is worth the money. The first pack, Maya & Gran Colombia, isn't worth the $40 asking price yet, but new content will arrive every other month, and the full New Frontier experience won't be complete until March 2021. As it stands, unless you genuinely love the two new civilizations or think the Apocalypse mode is going to tide you over for a few months, it would be best to wait until at least a couple of more game packs are out.

Score: 7.0/10

Sid Meier's Civilization Vi - Maya & Gran Colombia Pack Crack Cocaine

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Will NOT activate in the following countries: Pack
Cuba, Iran, Islamic Republic of, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of, Syrian Arab Republic, Venezuela.
Release Date5/27/2020
PublisherAspyr Media
Online PvP
Shared / Splitscreen PvP
Spanish - Spain
Portuguese - Brazil
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Contains content that may be suitable for ages 10 and older.


This new content pack introduces Lady Six Sky as the leader of the Maya and Simón Bolívar as the leader of Gran Colombia. The Maya can build prosperous city centers early in the game, supported by surrounding Farms and Plantations and protected by their unique Hul’che. Gran Colombia focuses on fast armies boosted by Simón Bolívar’s powerful Comandante Generals.
Includes the Maya civilization with Lady Six Sky, the Hul’che unique unit, and the Observatory unique district.
- Civ Unique Ability: The “Mayab” ability gives Maya housing and production bonuses from Farms, and Amenity bonus for Luxury resources adjacent to the City Center. Settling adjacent to Coasts or Fresh Water does not provide housing bonuses.
- Leader Unique Ability: Lady Six Sky’s “Ix Mutal Ajaw” ability lets the Maya gain yield bonuses to non-capital cities, and a combat bonus to units, within six tiles of the capital.
- Unique Unit: The Hul’che, a stronger replacement for the Archer and receives bonus combat strength when attacking wounded units.
- Unique District: The Observatory replaces the Campus and adds a minor adjacency bonus with Farms and a major adjacency bonus with Plantations.
Also includes the Gran Colombia civilization with Simón Bolívar, the Llanero and Comandante General unique units, and the Hacienda unique improvement.
- Civ Unique Ability: With the “Ejercito Patriota” ability, Gran Colombia receives a movement bonus to all units, and promoting a unit does not end the unit’s turn.
- Leader Unique Ability: Simón Bolívar has the “Campana Admirable” ability, granting a Comandante General when entering a new Era.
- Unique Units: Gran Colombia features two unique units:
- The Comandante General is a Great General with unique abilities, including Passive and Retire effects.
- The Llanero replaces the Cavalry. It requires less maintenance, receives a combat bonus for every adjacent Llanero and fully heals when in range of a Comandante General that activates.
- Unique Improvement: The Hacienda provides Production, Gold and Housing bonuses, and a Food bonus for each adjacent Plantation. Plantations and Haciendas receive Production bonuses for adjacent Haciendas.
New “Apocalypse” Game Mode (Requires the Civilization VI Expansion Bundle to play)
- Adds Forest Fires and Meteor Showers as disaster types to all games.
- An optional, specialized game mode with exclusive rule changes:
- New disasters: Comet Impact and Solar Flares.
- Larger versions of existing disasters.
- New military unit: Soothsayer, a Support unit that can trigger natural disasters at the player’s command.
- New scored competition: Sacrifice units to volcanoes. Requires Soothsayers to use their unique action on friendly units near a volcano.
- The world enters an apocalyptic state when climate change reaches its maximum level.
New Resources:
- Honey. Luxury.
- Maize. Bonus.
New Natural Wonders:
- Bermuda Triangle. Naval units that pass through it receive a movement bonus and get teleported to another ocean tile.
- Paititi. Gold bonus on trade routes for the city that controls it, major adjacency bonus for Commercial Hubs and Theater Squares.
- Fountain of Youth. Grants units that pass it a healing buff.
New City-States:
- Caguana. Cultural. Suzerain bonus: access to Batey improvement, which grants Culture based on its placement.
- Singapore. Industrial. Suzerain bonus: Production bonus for each foreign trade route.
- Lahore. Militaristic. Suzerain bonus: Access to a Faith-purchased combat unit – Nihang – with a unique promotion tree.
- Vatican City. Religious. Suzerain bonus: Religious pressure spread when activating Great People.
- Taruga. Scientific. Suzerain bonus: Science bonus per strategic resource in cities.
- Hunza. Trade. Suzerain bonus: Gold bonus for trade route distance.
©2017 Take-Two Interactive Software and its subsidiaries. Sid Meier’s Civilization, Civilization, Civ, 2K, Firaxis Games, Take-Two Interactive Software and their respective logos are all trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. All other marks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

Sid Meier's Civilization Vi - Maya & Gran Colombia Pack Crack Torrent


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CPU Speed2.7 GHz
Drive Space15 GB
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